Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pretty busy for a canceled clean-up

We had almost 20 people show up today (and quite a few dogs), in spite of notices posted at the run and this blog, saying that it was going to be next Saturday. And in spite of the weather. Some people just didn't get the word. Some people are just gluttons for punishment, I guess. Or conscientious. Or nuts. All these terms can apply equally well to your average dog owner.

But in any event, the parks department had already left the equipment, the rain didn't get consistently heavy for a few hours, and we got quite a bit of work done.

But to be clear, we're NOT finished. Lots of work left for those who didn't come. We are still on for next Saturday, 10am to 2pm. And right now, the long range weather report calls for showers that day. ::sigh::

Well, no way at all of knowing what the weather will actually be a week from now, and take it from me--a little rain actually isn't a bad thing when you're doing manual labor. Cools you off. So see you in a week, and we'll finish this thing up, Rocky Run style.

PS: Sorry, no pictures from today--didn't bring the camera. But I really am going to get some fresh pics up soon. Yeah, I have said that before, haven't I?

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