Friday, October 23, 2009

NOW HEAR THIS--Fall Clean-up POSTPONED to NEXT SATURDAY, October 31st!

Halloween, in fact.

Just can't risk getting rained out, and right now it looks like that's exactly what would happen if we went ahead with the original date. So Jerry Culligan has arranged with our good friend Danny Mercado of the Parks Department to get us the needed equipment a week later, so we can do the job right. Same time frame, 10am to 2pm. The only thing that's changed is the date.

Get the word out as much as you can. Far as I know, this is the first time we've ever had to postpone a clean-up. A little bad weather has never stopped us in the past, but this looks like more than a little coming up for tomorrow. Get the dogs some exercise while you can this evening, then batten down the hatches. We'll see you a week from tomorrow.

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