Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Branch Closure

Well, not exactly. The run is still open, but part of it is temporarily closed off because a big overhanging tree limb has snapped, but hasn't actually fallen yet--which it obviously could at any time. They've used yellow police tape to mark off the restricted area, and of course the dogs won't recognize that barrier at all, so if you can't stop your dog from going under the branch in question, you might want to stay away from the run. Hopefully the Parks Dept. will be able to send someone to remove this minor menace soon--I heard it would be this week. I'll report when I know more.

We love our Rocky Run trees for the shade and beauty they afford, and this rarely happens (probably in part because all the wood chips we put down twice a year make great fertilizer, which keeps the surrounding trees exceptionally healthy). But the price we pay is knowing that at some points in time, we're going to have problems like this. Be grateful it's just a branch and not the whole tree.

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