Tuesday, March 25, 2008

And a few more shots from Sunday

I'd been hearing about Marley, a working line German Shepherd Dog, who had been coming down to the park. Sunday, I got a chance to meet him. I do like to see a GSD so nicely proportioned--with a straight back, instead of the exaggerated angulation the American show lines have been taking to unhealthy extremes.

And even better, Marley is a dark-headed GSD--in the old time Rin Tin Tin tradition. There's a lot of variety in that breed, but this is a variation we need to see more often.

I've obviously got a weak spot for the big working breeds (as long as the people who keep them give them the attention, exercise and training they crave), but I love the little guys too. Wish I'd got the name of this cutie.

That's it for a few days. I'll be posting plenty next week. See you then.

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