Max goes to the run and the park (and many other places besides), but a lot of our favorite dogs and people we only meet by the river--and they're just as much a part of the dog scene in Upper Harlem and the Heights as anyone. And here's just a few of them (with many more to come).
Sundance is a collie mix, who runs after Amtrak trains he'd probably catch if there weren't two fences in the way. This is a highly atypical photo of him holding still long enough for me to get a halfway decent shot.

Linnea is a newly adopted puppy who simply can't accept that when Max is in fetch!ball mode, he isn't interested in playing. So she finds a way to play with him anyway.

(Photo credit: Yolanda Garcia)
Smarties is part Long-haired German Shepherd, and the other part is probably some kind of collie--she certainly got a good dose of the herding instinct, and Linnea found her a lot more fun than ball-crazed Max. Linnea alternated between submissive and aggressive postures, delighted to have found a more responsive playmate, while Smarties just tried to get the fidgety youngster to behave.

(Photo credit: Yolanda Garcia)
Yolanda took some really lovely photos of Smarties on a different day, and I'm posting those next.
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