Leaving aside the fact that it's really not a good idea to bring females in heat into the dog run--damn--if only I'd been there with the camera. Ocean, I don't know how you did it without testicles, but good on ya, mate.
I don't know if this is true at all dog parks, but at the Rocky Run, the girls often seem to have about twice as much fun as the boys (who are no slouches in the partying down department, let me tell you). My own Maximus can't wait to get to the run, but once there, immediately settles into a routine of chase the tennis ball, bring back the tennis ball, bug me to throw the tennis ball again, chase the tennis ball, bring back the tennis ball--you get the picture.
For Max, the Shepherd Mix who spent little time with other dogs for most of his previous existence, work is play, and vice versa. He loves being around the other dogs, but he doesn't particularly want to romp with them. I've seem him do a play bow only three times, and two of those times he was bowing to a CAT.
Whereas, for some of our resident hellions, such as Kyla, Hannah, Xena, and Augusta (names that end in 'a' sounds seem to invariably spell trouble, for some reason) play means chasing each other around at breakneck speed, wrestling like they're trying out for the WWE, and pretending to disembowel each other with their teeth. Very convincingly, I might add.
The following pictures of Kyla and Hannah's latest epic brawl were taken last week, and I was thinking they were a bit too grainy and blurred, due to poor light and fast movement--but then I decided that they looked artistic. I meant to do that. It's not that I'm a crappy photographer. Not at all.
Kyla to Hannah: Grrr! You're leading again!

Ben the Golden Retriever seems to want to kibbitz, but actually he's as ball-crazy as my Max, and is simply trying to play through.

Jerry's Max (the Max of all Maxes) views all females who come into the run as part of his harem, and has no problem with them putting on martial displays to court his favor, and don't even bother to try telling him that isn't what they're doing.

Now girls, girls--plenty of me to go around.

Arghhh! Hannah delivers a crushing death bite to the throat of Kyla! Kyla stubbornly refuses to succumb!

Maybe a little TOO artistic? Nah, it's like Bergman's 'Persona'. Which one is Bibi Andersson, you think?

Hannah: Hey--what were we fighting about?
Kyla: Beats me. Let's do it again!

Aw, our girl is on the internet! How cute. Yes, it's blurry, but that captures the elements of speed and mayhem. Thanks for posting them!
Excuse me? 'Cute'? Would you call Godzilla vs. Mothra 'cute'? Would you call The Thrilla in Manila 'cute'? Would you call the Lincoln-Douglas Debates 'cute'? Well it was kind of adorable the way they squabbled over the Missouri Compromise vs. Popular Sovereignty issue, but never mind that now.
To those who weren't there--trust me--it was a brutal life and death Darwinian drama of nature red in tooth and claw--a relentless battle for supremacy. Don't let the sweet doggy smiles fool you. These savage dominatrixes were out for blood.
(Geez, Alice--you're going to mess up my cynical ratings ploy)
Oh sorry. I mean, how terrifying our little dominatrix is.
I keep meaning to take my camera down there to have pictures of all the pups... maybe we could get some less "artistic" ones to put up of everyone?
Just wait for the Halloween update! :)
I've got TONS of dog pictures from the last six months or so, some of them actually bordering on good, but I'm still figuring out this blogger thing, and how much I can do with a free account.
Right now, I'm not uploading pictures to the blog directly, but linking to my photobucket album, which is faster, and (I assume) takes up less space. However, there may be bandwidth issues with photobucket over time--I mean, if I ever have more than a dozen or so readers. In other words, nothing to worry about.
Dog photos are what everybody wants to see, and I'll be getting more up pronto--actually, I want to post some photos from down by the river as well.
If you've got some pics you'd particularly like to see on the blog, we can try to work that out. I guess you'd email them, and I'd save them to my hard drive, and then upload them to photobucket. Or maybe
I just want to mention in passing that if you click on the other dog run blogs I've linked to the top of the page, they are rarely updated at all, and usually only to report that the latest 'Coffee Bark' (that's not even a good pun) was SUCH a great success, and everyone had a lovely time, ::yawnnnn!:: ;)
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