Friday, October 6, 2017

Fall Clean-Up, Saturday, October 21st. 10:00am--2:00pm.

Found it on the NYC Parks website. 

Max is gone, but I'll be there (maybe not as long as usual, having some tendon issues, but I can still work).  When I say he's gone, of course, I don't really mean that.  He'll be there.  I'll always see him when I'm there. 

This is an important little piece of ground we're tending to, that improves many lives, canine and human.  Obviously those who use it regularly are particularly obligated to help out, but anyone who is part of our larger community is welcome to show up, shovel wood chips, pull weeds, plant bulbs.  And watch the dogs cavort merrily, while we slave for them.

And why not?  Two days a year is small enough recompense for what we get from this place.  And from the friends we built it for. 

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