Friday, May 23, 2008

More Clean-Up Day photos--when the chips are down, up go the hounds!

Rosie & Xocha.

It never fails--whenever we do a clean-up, there's at least one big pile of wood chips at the run. And the dogs are invariably fascinated. And seem to relish the chance to look down at us for a change.

Augusta making sure nobody slacks off.

Cleo--a rare visitor these days, whose 'owner' Michael helped found the run, and showed up to help out (and if you knew Cleo, you'd why why those quote marks are especially needed).

Cleo with Chloe.

Bailey, in the middle of the big dogs--as always.


Smarties--another rarely seen visitor, though we meet her often down in the park.

Violet the Pomeranian found her own way of getting on top of a wood chip pile.

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